Zero Stigma. Zero HIV. The Prudence Mabele Road Map to End HIV Stigma

Global Zero HIV Stigma Awareness Day
July 21st has been chosen as Global Zero HIV Stigma Awareness Day to honor Prudence Mabele (July 21, 1971- July 10, 2017), the first Black South African woman to publicly share her HIV status, and the countless other HIV activists that have been fundamental in improving outcomes for people living with HIV and those affected by it.
There have been transformative biomedical advances yet globally we are ways away from eradicating the virus and achieving zero new infections and zero HIV-related deaths. We believe many of these ongoing transmissions and deaths could have been prevented if it had not been for the stigma that exists within the global community towards HIV.
HIV stigma refers to negative attitudes, behaviors, and judgments towards people living with or at risk of HIV. HIV stigma has a destructive effect on people’s lived experiences and health outcomes and discourages people learning about their HIV status, accessing treatment and/or staying in care. It prevents people from living their truth, and the best and unapologetic life that they should be living.
Discrimination is driven by, and feeds on, stigma, which may be because of a person’s gender, religion, age, sexuality or health status. Stigma may be experienced across multiple strands of society from employment, healthcare, relationships, and access to social services, all impacting quality of life and life chances. Stigma is complex and is often the result of fear, lack of awareness, power structures, socio-economic circumstance and discriminatory policies, which propagates the cycle of inequality and poor outcomes for people living with HIV globally.
HIV stigma is a social justice issue, and everyone has a part to play in eliminating HIV stigma; be it talking about it, challenging biases, testing for HIV or advocacy, if societal attitudes to HIV are to be transformed.
In collaboration with the global community, we want to create a day of action featuring activists, influencers, high-profile individuals and organizations across all sectors. We seek collaboration in the form of time, funding, resources, engagement and dissemination. We intend to ignite an annual day of bold and intentional activities that highlights:
- HIV stigma and the impact it has on the lives of people living with HIV and those affected by HIV.
- The intersections of stigma, shame, discrimination, and inequality. Amplifying the message that improved outcomes in sexual health and HIV can only come when we tackle stigma and inequality across society (through tackling the wider determinants of health).
- Collaborative working. Initiating a global call to action opportunity to share the impact of stigma through community action.
- Information for people on what they can do to combat stigma, i.e. pledge, direct action.
This day is for the HIV activists that have gone before, but also for every activist that continues the fight against HIV. This day of action has been conceptualized by NAZ, a UK-based sexual health charity whose services are dedicated to people experiencing better sexual health, in collaboration with IAPAC, a global network of clinicians and allied health professionals working to end HIV.
SisterLove, Inc offers completely free HIV testing and HIV self-test kits in Atlanta. If you or someone you know needs to check their status, visit our Get Tested page to request an appointment or a self-test kit today!
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