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World AIDS Day 2022; SisterLove Launches Healthy Love Bus

Updated: May 16, 2023

SisterLove rolled out its mobile health unit designed to help at-risk communities with healthcare

SisterLove – L to R: Tamika English; Sybil Miller; Dazon Dixon, founder and president; Trinity Stockman; and Gaea Daniel, Ph.D., RN, Emory University School of Nursing (Photo by Tigner for rolling out)
SisterLove – L to R: Tamika English; Sybil Miller; Dazon Dixon, founder and president; Trinity Stockman; and Gaea Daniel, Ph.D., RN, Emory University School of Nursing (Photo by Tigner for rolling out)

In 1989, Dázon Dixon Diallo recognized a growing need in the African American community for healthcare services.

As HIV decimated the lives of loved ones, friends, and family, there were many who still insisted on believing that it only targeted a particular demographic. Stigma prevented people from seeking the support and treatment that they needed. In communities already denied access to affordable, quality healthcare services, the impact was even greater.

The launch of SisterLove Inc. at that critical juncture provided the resources and support for women’s HIV, sexual and reproductive justice.

On Dec. 1, World AIDS Day, SisterLove gathered the community together to reflect on the more than 40.1 million people who have died from HIV/AIDS.

Board president Cedric Pulliam, Ph.D., and supporter Dwight Eubanks praised the outstanding team and initiatives of SisterLove.

Man standing at podium delivering speech at SisterLove's World AIDS Day event in Atlanta
SisterLove Board Chair Cedric Pulliam, PhD delivers speech

Real Housewives of Atlanta  star Dwight Eubanks standing at podium
SisterLove Celebrity Ambassador Dwight Eubanks

Nestled in the heart of southwest Atlanta, in one of the oldest Black communities in Atlanta, the Healthy Love (TM) mobile unit purchased will extend their services.

Atlanta City Councilwoman Andrea Boone (right) and Dázon Dixon Diallo (left) standing at podium
Atlanta City Councilwoman Andrea Boone (right) and Dázon Dixon Diallo (left)

Councilwoman Andrea Boone presented a proclamation from the city of Atlanta in recognition of the work SisterLove does not only for the citizens of Atlanta, but also for those impacted across the region and globally.

Atlanta City Councilwoman Andrea Boone (center) clapping, w/ Dàzon Dixon Diallo holding pair of large scissors and Dwight Eubanks at ribbon cutting ceremony in front of SisterLove Inc Mobil HIV Testing Unit in Atlanta
Atlanta City Councilwoman Andrea Boone (center), w/ Dàzon Dixon Diallo (left) and Dwight Eubanks (right) at ribbon cutting ceremony

This was also a day of celebration because a new resource for fighting HIV in Atlanta was unveiled. “The Healthy Love (TM) Bus is a preventive mobile health unit. It is meant to meet people where they are, but also where they want to be,” shared Diallo.

The vision of the Healthy Love (TM) Bus evolved over the years. During COVID, Gaea Daniel took on the challenge when she was asked to develop a project through the Direct Relief Fund for Health Equity.

Woman named Gaea Daniel (left) stands with man in red sweathshirt (center) and woman in white vest (right) at SisterLove's World AIDS Day event
Dr. Gaea Daniel (left) with SisterLove Community Members

The bus will hit the streets during the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend. Diallo stressed that Black Americans must not wait for others to save us, “Our own solutions, come from our own people,” she said.

Mural at 3699 Bakers Ferry Rd SW Atlanta, GA by Jam Jam Art
Mural by Jam Jam Art

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