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Walgreens Refuses Legal Medication Abortion Pills to Millions. Here's Our Statement On It

Our Statement on Walgreens' Refusal to Sale Medication Abortion

The Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) recently announced that retail and online pharmacies will be allowed to offer the abortion pill, Mifepristone.

blue pills in a green tray container
Mifepristone, the medication abortion pill, is safe and effective

Walgreens announced, however, that it will not mail or distribute the medication abortion pill, Mifepristone, in 20 Republican-majority states, including Georgia. Medication abortion accounts for 53% of all abortions in the United States. Walgreens’ decision reduces patients' access to abortion.

SisterLove believes in the right of people in Georgia to choose their own path, whether it be to give birth or to terminate a pregnancy. Walgreens’ decision is appalling because medication abortion remains legal in Georgia. Since the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe V. Wade last summer, abortion rights have been under increasing attack from state legislatures.

Walgreens has made it clear it is no longer an ally to women and girls. If they do not rescind their decision, we will reconsider our relationship with them. Make no mistake, SisterLove has and always will, unapologetically, stand firm for sexual reproductive justice.


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