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Introducing: Sex Ed For All Month

May is Sex Ed For All Month! SisterLove is proud to support our partners to fight for the sexual health information, access and rights young people need and deserve in order to make healthy choices for themselves and secure the future they envision for themselves. We want to advocate for young people in marginalized communities, including communities of color, LGBTQ young people, immigrants, those with lower incomes, those living in rural areas and those in foster care to have access to the information and care they need to ensure their lifelong sexual and reproductive health.

We will be posting videos over the next fews diving deeper into certain topics of sexual education and different ways to discuss these sometimes difficult topics.

Ways You can Help:

Contact your Georgia representatives and tell them you want all students in Georgia to receive scientifically and medically accurate sexual education. You can contact them here:

Contact us if you have any questions about how you can help! Email Jacqueline Tosto at

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