More Updated: Mar 2, 2022 SisterLove, Inc. invites you to share your insight on an innovative pilot project regarding sexual wellness and pleasure known as 4TH BASE.
The goal of the study is to determine the efficacy of providing a vending machine-based center with unrestricted access to products that advance sexual expression, pleasure, health and safety. You will provide feedback and answers to a few questions in a 90 focus group discussion and as an incentive, you will receive a $30 gift card.
If interested in participating, please visit the link: https://calendly.com/sisterlove/4th-base-focus-group- to sign up for a focus group date and time. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Indya Hairston at ihairston@sisterlove.org or Celina Marte Caceres at cmcaceres@sisterlove.org.
Check out our other ongoing paid studies at our listing page! Keep up to date with the amazing work being done by our Community Based Research Program team.
Want $30? Join the IMPROV Study
Use Your Voice: Participate in a Paid Research Study at SisterLove, Inc.
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